The Mindful Living Summit has come to a close!
To learn how you can own the event sessions plus all of the great bonuses, click here to see all that’s included in the Event Resource Package. OR if you already purchased the Event Resource Package, click here to login.
The Summit aired March 19-22, 2020. You can still watch these three sessions for free, from The Awake Network:
Elisha Goldstein, PhD
Everyday Mindfulness: Working with Difficult Emotions
What You’ll Learn
Understand how you get stuck in emotional loops and “mind traps,” and learn how you can use mindfulness to break free from unhealthy thought patterns
Discover what becomes possible when you’re able to empower yourself and re-focus on what you’re able to do in a given situation instead of what you can’t do, and learn how to come back to this focus
Learn practical ways you can bring more feelings of happiness, joy, and abundance to yourself and the people around you
Zeenat Potia, MA
Communicating with Mindfulness and Openness
What You’ll Learn
Explore how communication can be a mindfulness practice by bringing the skills of generous listening, presence, and curiosity to your interactions with others
Learn how to approach difficult conversations from a place of kindness and strength
Discover what it means to communicate mindfully from a place of response rather than reaction in everyday interactions
Dan Siegel, MD
The Power of Showing Up: What Mindfulness Can Teach Us About Parenting
What You’ll Learn
Learn the “Power of Showing Up” and how developing your own mindfulness and presence can help your child feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure
Bust the myth of “perfect parenting” and hear how you can use the three pillars of mindfulness to foster lifelong healthy attachment and emotional development in your child
Discover how your ability to show up can be applied to the other relationships in your life, including how to better relate to your romantic partner and loved ones
My name is Anita Masterson and I am a school social worker in a high school setting in central Massachusetts. I have participated in the summit in the past and found the discussions to be inspiring in my work with adolescents. I practice and teach mindfulness with my students in a small therapeutic setting. Having participated in many courses and training on these topics, I am very familiar with many of the speakers and I respect what they have to bring to the larger conversation, given their research practices and their own personal journey’s. It’s important to me to learn about the latest research findings and to feel “plugged in” to the larger community discussions in my field.
I’m Miguel, from Bogotá,Colombia. I have been practicing and studying mindfulness for three years now, with this course I want to increase my knowledge, and get deeper into this way of life.
Opportunity to reflect and see if this programme meets my desire for learning in this area
Hi, I am from Cluj-Napoca, Romania and I teach IGCSE and A Level Sociology at Transylvania College. I have always been interested in mindfulness but I think it is high time for me now to truly make it part of my daily practice. I want to learn more on how to do this! Thank you for this awesome opportunity!!!
All the best!
Hello, I’m Tina from Croatia, psychologist and psychotherapist. I want to use mindfulness in my everyday life, privat as well as professional.
Hello there,
I am EllenChristina and I am living in The Netherlands (Holland). I am a Mindfulness & Compassion Trainer, a DRU Yoga Teacher and a (neuro)psychologist.
In the past I already followed some Mindful Living Summit sessions and it has always brought me a lot of new inspiration and insight in my own monkey mind. Listening to the talks helped me a lot, not only for my own mindfulness growth, but it also helped to use and share valuable tools with my clients in my private practice.
This time I have no doubt that again I will benefit from all those wonderful talks and transcripts of so many leading neuroscientists experts, mindfulness teachers and mindful psychologisgists. Awesome!
That’s why I have decided to sign up this time not only for this Free Online Summit event in March, but also for The Awake Network Community with a lifetime access.
Good for me! 🙂
And for further deepenig my mindfulness and compassion practice and LEARN and SHARE for the rest of my life. WONDERFUL!
I am looking forward to it!
Hello My name is Vijay. I am from Sydney Australia. I am looking forward to this event. I regularly use mindfulness in my daily living and would be happy to learn new things.
Dear all, I’m Elena. I’m italian and my english isn’t so good!!!!! I’m a therapist and i’m a dance movement therapist too. I practice mindfulness and meditation for myself and with my patients, kids at school and groups. I’m interesting in mindfulness, meditation, emotions and embodiment … I think that your summit are very interesting and so i think that i’ll learn and live new experiences! thanks
So stoked for this. I got a little off track recently and need a reboot. Thank you for doing this.
A daily reminder to be mindful is my reason for registering for this course. Thankyou for this opportunity
I’ve listened to most, if not all of Jon Kabat Zinn’s YouTube podcasts. I love the message and benefits of mindfulness. I want to continue enriching my life with this practice. I’m looking forward to this summit to help me in this endeavor.
Greeetings from across the seas in Australia. I am very pleased to have joined the summit and am looking forward to the event. I have been meditating for many years and am keen to have a top up!. Cheers Annie
I am hoping to gain more knowledge on teaching mindfulness to young learners.
I enjoy the talks by Tara so so much. I find them informative , helpful and
I learn so much. I am sure this series will be excelletn also.
Hi! I’m Agustina, from Buenos Aires (Argentina), 23 years old.
First of all thank you very much for giving this opportunity, i really aprecciate it.
I hope to learn more about mindfulness and compassion. Last year i graduated as a psychologist and i want to bring this knowledge to all the people i know (and will know).
Compassion is a concept i started to assimilate last year and is kind of a light that guides me so i can focus on what i really want and wish for all the people. So learning more about it, think about it and also feel it in my body is something i wish i can improve.
The power of compassion is unique, and i hope everyone can have the oportunity to access to it.
Thank you very much!
Deepen knowledge of mindfulness.
Hi there! I am coming from the east coast of Canada. I work in the area of mental health and want to learn as much as possible about mindfulness. I see it’s importance for my own well-being but also for my clients. I am really looking forward to this.
Hello! I look forward to the Mindful Living Summit as I continue to develop and nurture my own personal mindfulness practice and as I continue to learn about bringing mindfulness into my school community. I am a high school math teacher, currently in my 15th year in the profession. In the last 5 years, I have worked to bring mindfulness into my school community. I have my mindfulness certification and continue training through my local university, Mindful Schools, and any opportunity I find through The Awake Network or other organizations that are bringing this beautiful practice to the world. I practice mindfulness with my students and colleagues and I have a personal daily mindfulness practice that has greatly improved my clarity and sense of purpose in life. I look forward to this opportunity to grow and expand my community of mindful practitioners. Thank you for putting this together and opening it up to the public for free. I am a teacher on a budget and appreciate it!
Hola. Mi nombre es Laura . soy de Argentina. Me he dedicado gran parte de mi vida a la educación y he visto la creciente necesidad de trabajar en los aspectos afectivos, emocionales del ser humano e integrarlos en la educación.Me parece muy interesante el tema de la atención plena para comenzar este trabajo y sobre todo para ser más concientes de nosotros mismos y de lo que nos rodea.Espero poder conocer algunos aspectos interesantes y luego proseguir la formación.
Hi, I’ve been involved in meditation for about 5 years and attend a weekly group that follows the teachings of Thich Nhat Hahn. I’m always interested in gaining new insights and am excited to see these offerings.
I am a retired psychologist. Eager to find out many uses of mindfullness.
I am lways looking for ways to integrate mindfulness and service to Sangha into the moment, my day and my interactions.
Hello, my name is Karma and I am from Bhutan. I love to be the part of this event. Through this summit I want to know how can mindfulness and compassion training strengthen the values of love and kindness that bhutanese people already live with.
I was introduced to meditation in. my early 20’s and lived on an ashram for 1 1/2 years. But I never felt the good effects of meditation practice. I am restless, impatient, my mind wanders, etc. Yet I want to be able to benefit from the positive effects. I have trouble with anxiety, worry, self-criticism.
I have great respect for RickHanson, and I have read some of Kristin Neff, so I feel trust in this online sales pitch.
I’m a beginner to mindfulness. I. Hoping to learn how to integrate mindfulness into my every day experiences.
Sidney British Columbia
Always open to more learning.
A refresher on mindfulness. I have read a lot thatt hese teachers have provided. Seems wonderful!!!
I am Esperanza Suárez from Quito, Ecuador. I have meditated for 41 years, but have incorporated Mindfulness in my practice for the last six years. I hope to gain, also remember, the many different ways to strengthen my daily formal and informal practice. I always enjoy serious Mindful Summits. Thank you for having them.
Looking forward to deepening in self love and in the awe it inspires.
William writing from Santa Cruz, California! Really hoping to rejuvinate my mindfulness practice and hear new voices on the subject.