The Mindful Living Summit has come to a close!
To learn how you can own the event sessions plus all of the great bonuses, click here to see all that’s included in the Event Resource Package. OR if you already purchased the Event Resource Package, click here to login.
The Summit aired March 19-22, 2020. You can still watch these three sessions for free, from The Awake Network:
Elisha Goldstein, PhD
Everyday Mindfulness: Working with Difficult Emotions
What You’ll Learn
Understand how you get stuck in emotional loops and “mind traps,” and learn how you can use mindfulness to break free from unhealthy thought patterns
Discover what becomes possible when you’re able to empower yourself and re-focus on what you’re able to do in a given situation instead of what you can’t do, and learn how to come back to this focus
Learn practical ways you can bring more feelings of happiness, joy, and abundance to yourself and the people around you
Zeenat Potia, MA
Communicating with Mindfulness and Openness
What You’ll Learn
Explore how communication can be a mindfulness practice by bringing the skills of generous listening, presence, and curiosity to your interactions with others
Learn how to approach difficult conversations from a place of kindness and strength
Discover what it means to communicate mindfully from a place of response rather than reaction in everyday interactions
Dan Siegel, MD
The Power of Showing Up: What Mindfulness Can Teach Us About Parenting
What You’ll Learn
Learn the “Power of Showing Up” and how developing your own mindfulness and presence can help your child feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure
Bust the myth of “perfect parenting” and hear how you can use the three pillars of mindfulness to foster lifelong healthy attachment and emotional development in your child
Discover how your ability to show up can be applied to the other relationships in your life, including how to better relate to your romantic partner and loved ones
Hey, I am working with group dynamics in Finland
I am Evy from Tampa, Florida! Looking forward to experience this online mindfulness summit with you!
And from Los Angeles,California
Thank you for offering this. I appreciate. I hope to join others to find some mindfulness and peace during a hard time of fear and isolation. Thank you
HI -Nardia here from South Africa – thank you so much for sharing your expertise xn
Thank you so much for the wonderful teaching, Brídín, Dublin, Ireland
Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing all these practices and inspirational talks, I am very grateful. Carine, from the UK.
I am a 60+ woman with so much excitement about life and the beautiful world around us. My lifelong profession is in helping children who are broken become whole. I am now reaping the benefit of time for myself and finding ways to heal myself. This summit is helping me build even more strength for the days ahead in my little corner of West Michigan. Thank you so much for this powerhouse of presenters.
Thank you so much for this wonderful, free series. I’m tuning in from Vancouver, WA. I’m taking things day by day, moment by moment, and am doing my best to connect with friends and family each day to check in and support everyone as they handle all of the chaos around us. I have been practicing mindfulness for a few years now, and love to focus on mindfulness for self-compassion, mindfulness for recovery, and mindfulness for trauma. I’m so grateful to have this helpful resource. Thank you!
That was a very gratifying practice. I needed that because I’ve been very unsettled today. Thank you so much.
Anger is surfacing because of the situation surrounding us.
The practice had deep impact on me and if this last my whole person will change.
My gratitude to Kelly!
Emma from Cincinnati, OH. I am an environmental educator who creates programs on mindfulness in nature <3 Lovely to be here with you all.
Dave in America’s Heartland
Thank you for your kindness
Watching from Lesotho, Southern Africa
Wondering if you would consider leaving the material available to view for longer than 48 hours? I am in the ET (8pm) time zone so now on Day 2 I’m still reviewing the Day 1 material. Even 72 hours would be really helpful.
Hi I’m Ruth from New Jersey looking for calming ways to deal with this new reality we’re living in now.
Jill, from Ontario Canada, eh.
I’m a Somatic experiencing practitioner and couples therapist in San Francisco.
Julie from Gulf Breeze Florida — more than I had hoped for!
I am a counseling student at Seton Hall University in NJ.
My name is Amy and I’m a Paraprofessional in Southern NJ.
Coming in late from NJ, USA where we are all on lock-down
Hello I am a Counselling student from Perth Australia 🌻 Donia
Life feels very slow right now and yet slowing our mind is so important. Thanks
Hi I’m a health and wellness graduate student, currently in Ottawa, Canada. Thanks for hosting this summit – such a great resource!
Wow, folks.
This is amazing.
Best to all in these particularly uneasy times.
Hoping to learn more about love and steadiness, supporting myself and others.
Thanks for today’s encouragement to Go Outside.
Hi! Debbie from Massachusetts! I am a LTC Nurse, caring for the elderly! I am frightened but trying to stay strong!
Jill from North Platte NE. I’m a Title One teacher.
My name is Paula and I work for a sexual assault resource center in Bryan TX
Cave Creek, Arizona