Rosa González is dedicated to fundamental shifts towards health & balance at all levels from the personal to the structural. She teaches yoga and breathing meditation through the International Association for Human Values and TLEX (Transformational Leadership for Excellence). She is a senior fellow at the Movement Strategy Center and the founder of Facilitating Power, a consultancy designed to cultivate, through deep partnership, the practice & pedagogy of a living democracy. She is currently working on her first book, titled: SEED, HARVEST, WEAVE Facilitative Leadership for a Living Democracy.
Oscar and Rosa will be leading a course, produced by Mindful, called How To Meditate: A culturally rooted approach to Mindfulness for Latino/x communities, or Como Meditar: La Practica de Plena Conciencia desde la perspectiva cultural Latina/x. If you would like to be in touch with them about their work, you can reach them at and